Meeting Minutes — MP&CAC – Hellgate Chapter, Oct. 16, 2017
American Legion Hall
President Dave McIntosh called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. after we all enjoyed a delicious fall potluck. Thanks to Johnsons and granddaughter Layla for hosting.
Guests: Daryl Fite, Nona Babcock, and Allan Graff
Minutes: Cathy read the minutes of the Sep. 18 meeting; approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Report appears in official minutes. No bills.
Correspondence: none
Old Business:
Christmas Party, Paradise Falls, Sunday, Dec., 3, Happy Hour 5:00, Dinner 6:00 PM: Mary reported that 33 people have signed up and the menu has been selected. Cost will depend on the final sign up number. Karen asked if the club is paying this year or if members are. Discussion followed. By a show of hands, we decided members will pay this year and we’ll pay Karen in advance. If you haven’t signed up, please call Mary Williams. Discussion continues.
New Business:
International Tour, Great Falls, July 5-8, 2018: Doug noted that plans are coming along well and that registration forms and tour info should be in the January 2018 Times.
Touring: Members gave a round of applause to Fred for planning a variety of interesting and fun tour activities this year. Sam asked about interest in possibly touring with the Shifters car club next summer. This would involve local touring once or twice a month.
Upcoming Events, Announcements:
Doug reported that long time member Bill Paul has recently suffered a stroke and is residing at the Village Health Care, room 709.
Southgate Mall Show, April 13-15, 2018.
Next Meeting: Mon., November 20, 7:00 pm, Legion Hall.
Hosts: Francis, Williams, and Wryns (just treats this time, not a potluck)
50/50: Allan Graff ($17.00)
Adjourned: 7:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Cathy Smyers, Secretary