Montana Pioneer & Classic Auto Club Membership Form
The dues are now $25.00 for a single and $30.00 for a couple, as of September 1st of 2019.
If you need verification of these you can call Dan Costle at 406-429-2671.
Maybe you can change it under membership. Enclosed is a copy of the membership form, maybe you can change it also. Maybe change the “revision date” also. I guess I should not have saved it as a “PDF”.
Articles by
Seeking: Classic Car w/ Driver to hire for a Themed Super-Date

My hope/quest is to find a stylish, era reminiscent classic car and driver to chauffeur us to and from our date activities for an afternoon in Missoula. So if anyone reading this is a classic car owner and either wanting some extra pocket money or simply a hopeless romantic like me, please look over the details below and see if you are willing to participate.
We need picked up at approx. 11:45am at his home up in the South Hills and whisked away to the Big Sky Breakout on North 2nd Street West. There we will attempt to solve a 1910 mystery. At approx 1:15 we would then need driven to Rumour restaurant on Stephens Ave where I have a private dining room booked for a long lunch and dancing. Then, around 3:30 or 4, we would need driven back to his place on Skyview.
The in town mileage between those points is only 12miles, but there is also the mileage from the cars home to the South Hills and back, as well as fair compensation for driving time. I would assume you’d want to go do other things while we were occupied as well, so that would be mileage too.
The best day for all of this is Thursday, October 10th and while I’ve been searching for a good transport option for weeks I have run into all dead ends. Please help! 🙏 🤞 🙏
Thanks in advance,
-Megan Wilson
WANTED: Front and rear seats for 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe
WANTED: Front and rear seats for 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe. Bob Dige 736-5602
Craftsman 5HP 30-gallon air Compressor
Craftsman 5HP 30-gallon air Compressor, Like new. Mel Rustad, 761-8519
1955 Packard Patrician
1955 Packard Patrician,
Auto, V-8, good condition.
Jerry DeMarco, 788-8260.
Auto, V-8, good condition.
Jerry DeMarco, 788-8260.
1948 Desoto
1948 Desoto
– Excellent,
406-868-4622 for details
– Excellent,
406-868-4622 for details
1946 Ford 2Dr Sedan
1946 Ford 2Dr Sedan,
6 Cylinder,
needs restoration,
no title.
Charles Aron, 564.-0280
6 Cylinder,
needs restoration,
no title.
Charles Aron, 564.-0280
1927 Model T Ford Coupe
1927 Model T Ford Coupe
Very Good Condition
– $10,000
Jerry Dolson 788-1740
Very Good Condition
– $10,000
Jerry Dolson 788-1740
ads are from fair contacts:
: 1955 Cadillac, Dale Schott, $5000. Needs work. Two Headlights, Studebaker or Model T? Howard Bouma – 466-2418
1970 Oldsmobile Cutlass Convertible. This car was in the process of being restored when the owner died. Much has been done, including paint and engine rebuild. Great top and upholstery. Front suspension, engine, and fenders need to be installed. $15000 or offers, Kathy, 727-1689
1970 Oldsmobile Cutlass Convertible. This car was in the process of being restored when the owner died. Much has been done, including paint and engine rebuild. Great top and upholstery. Front suspension, engine, and fenders need to be installed. $15000 or offers, Kathy, 727-1689