2023 November Minutes
Sept 2023 Minutes
2023 October Minutes
Fall tour 2023 with pictures
August 2023 Minutes
2023 Ice cream social pictures
August 2023 Minutes
2023 Sept Hellgate honker
Fort Connah Tour (June 2023)
Conoco Tour (June 2023)
May 2023 Minutes
May 2023 minutes car pics
May 2023 minutes 2023 VW ID4 Electric Car
2023 Hellgate Garage Tour
2023 Feb Helgate honker
The Jan. meeting minutes are pasted below (this will be a substitute for the Honker)
Minutes from the January 16, 2023 meeting of the Hellgate Chapter of the Montana Pioneer and Classic Auto Club. The meeting was called to order by President Doug Winz at 7:05 after a delicious “Hawaiian Luah”. There were 23 members present. Fred Jones, a new member, the vehicles he has and the interest he has in the club. We received $123 in donations from our Christmas party and the club voted to “round it up” and we will be sending $200 to the Meals on Wheels program in Missoula. Jeff Stevens reported there will be no inside Mall show this year. Stayed tuned for upcoming tours and shows. It will be a busy year. The Spring tour in Kalispell looks fun! We also have the Swap Meet in April in Great Falls that is always fun. It is followed in the evening with the Installation Dinner where our President Doug Winz will installed as the State President. Perry Francis introduced Dan McCaffery as our guest speaker for our “Member Moment”. He talked about British carburetors. His visual display and talk were very interesting and well taken. Thanks, Dan. 50/50 of $13 was won by Doug Winz. He donated it back to the club. Next meeting is February 20, 2023. It will be a Chili Potluck. Respectfully submitted, Karen Winz, Treasurer
2022 November Minutes
2022 Nov Hellgate Honker
2022 October Minutes
10-8-22 Hellgate tour to Lochsa
more pictures of Lochsa
2022 August Minutes
2022 May Minutes
2022 April Minutes
2022 March Meeting Minutes
2021 November Meeting Minutes
2021 Meeting Minutes October 19
Hello Members, We have planned a little car club tour to St. Ignatius for Tuesday, October 5 to the St. Ignatius Mission Parish (historic Catholic church) with a lunch stop at the Stutzmans Country Market (an Amish grocery store and deli).
St Ignatius
Aug 16, 21 Meeting Minutes
Jun 21 Meeting Minutes
2021 May Meeting Minutes
Hi All,
I know you probably just received your Honker and marked your calendars, but Doug and Fred decided to cancel our upcoming Monday, Oct. 19, meeting because of the increasing number of Covid cases. There is no pressing business right now that needs addressing. We will keep you posted regarding a Nov. meeting and a Dec. Xmas party. In the meantime, stay safe!
Cathy Smyers
Please see message below from Fred and Mary.
—–Original Message—–
From: Fred Williams <mafnwms@bresnan.net>
To: ‘catsmyers@aol.com’ <catsmyers@aol.com>
Sent: Sun, Aug 30, 2020 5:08 pm
Subject: Flathead Lake Cruise
Hi Cathy,
Would you please send this message to our members.
Fred Williams
Hi Everyone,
Perry and I would like to thank our members that attended the “Flathead Cruise” last Saturday with the “Mission Valley Cruisers” and the “Georgetown Lakesters” We had 12 vehicles from our club represented and we also had the opportunity to meet some members of both clubs. The food was good along with the 50/50 and the poker card games.
Thanks to the members that attended.
Fred & Mary Williams
Hellgate chapter Meeting minutes Aug 2020
As mentioned in the recent “Hellgate Honker”, we will be having our club meeting and cruise on 06-14-20. We will meet at “Rosauers” at 10:30 A.M. at the lower end of the parking lot and we will be cruising to the “Travelers Rest” in Lolo. Our plan is to arrive there by 11 AM. There will be a park ranger waiting for us with plans to take us on a tour of the facility and also do a presentation.
After the short tour has ended, we will set up our meeting area for lunch. Please bring a sack lunch and drink along with a mask to wear (if desired) and I will bring extra masks in case more are needed.
After the meeting, has been concluded, we have been invited to tour the visitor center at the same location even though only 15 people are allowed in the building at a time. We will keep things moving so everyone has a chance to view the display items.
There will be plenty of room to park our classic cars so please bring yours for display. It is flag day, so if you can bring a flag and attach it to your car that would be great!
It will be great to see everyone again and Perry and I are looking forward the meeting and cruise.
Fred & Perry
Hi everyone,
It has been decided that we will be cancelling the Missoula “Mall Show” on April 18th and 19th and re-scheduling the event on September 26th and 27th of this year at the at the same location.
Monday 3/16/2020 There is no meeting tonight for the car club. Someone just called me about this, so I thought I’ll just send out the word. On the other hand, Jeff Stevens (whom I called since he doesn’t have email said he had been called by Doug). So hopefully, we got it covered.
2020 January Hellgate meeting minutes
2020 January Antique and Classic Times
2919 Hellgate Christmas Party
Hi everyone,
I would like to let you know that “Clyde Bakker” recently passed away on Dec. 7th. He was the father of “Bev Berry” and “Karen Winz” and 3 sons. He was one of the founding members of the Big Sky “Model” A’S car club in Missoula and had a lot of interest in antique cars.
They are having “Clyde’s” final good bye on Friday, Dec. 13th at 1PM at “Sunset Memorial Garden” on “Mullen Road”. There is a detailed obituary in today’s “Missoulian”
There will be no Honker (and no meeting) in December. But we do have our annual Xmas Party set for Sunday, December 8, at Paradise Falls. Happy Hour is at 5:30 PM and Dinner at 6:00 PM. Cost is $18.00 per person. You will pay Karen at the restaurant. There will be a donation basket to allow you to contribute to a charity which we will decide upon at the January meeting. We will also have our gift exchange ($10 value/limit). If you decide to participate, please wrap your gifts and mark them male, female, or either. We have asked Santa to come and help out!
Please RSVP to Mary Williams ASAP, so that she can get a headcount for the restaurant.
Phone 406-543-0934 or 406-550-0146.
HO…HO….HO….HOPE to see you there!!

2019 November Hellgate Meeting Minutes
2019 October Hellgate Chapter Minutes
2019 September Hellgate meeting minutes
2019 Spring Winner at the Springs Facility
2019 Hellgate Fall Trip.docx
2019 Pictures from Bruce Troutwine of Hellgate fall trip
2019 August Hellgate Chapter Minutes
August tour on 08-25-19
From: Fred Williams <mafnwms@bresnan.net>
Perry and I have planned a car club cruise to “Lochsa” on July 14th (Sunday) that will be one of the most scenic tours on Hi-way 12 that we will take all year. The distance will be approx. 45 miles (one way) and once we arrive,we will park our cars so the lodge customers can view them. We will then have lunch at the lodge, it should be a great day for everyone.
We will meet at the “Shop-Ko”parking lot at 10:00 A.M. on that morning and leave by 10:30 A.M. Let us know if you have any questions.
Thanks, Fred & Perry
Today, June 9, is Sam & Helen Johnsons’ 50th Anniversary Celebration and Annual Burger Burn!!! We are all invited to their home to help celebrate!
Party starts at 2:00 PM, Burgers go on the grill at 3 PM. Address is 12050 Hiway 93 North….about a mile north of the Wye on the right side of hiway…..blue one story house. please bring a side dish of your choice (e.g. salad, dessert, beans, etc….) . Please no gifts…Sam says they have enough stuff after 50 years! Call Sam or Helen if you need more precise directions: 542-0419 (Sorry for the late reminder on this)
I wanted everyone to know “Harvey Olson” passed away at his home on May 11th at his home. “Harvey” was a dedicated member of our car club for many years and we will miss him a great deal. Additional funeral information to come. Fred W
2019 May Hellgate Chapter Minutes
2019 April Hellgate Meeting Minutes
2019 March Hellgate Meeting Minutes
2019 February 18 Meeting Minutes Hellgate
November 2018 Meeting Minutes
2018 October Hellgate Meeting Minutes
2018 September Meeting Minutes
2018 August Meeting minutes
If you would like to order another shirt or order your first one, please contact Jocko Graphics in Arlee: 926 11 US Highway 93, Arlee MT 59821.
HELLGATE Polo Shirt order form
Map to Jocko Graphics
The Polo shirts are in! You can pick them up at Greg Wood’s house or wait until the Ice Cream Social meeting to pick them up. Call Greg or Anne at 406-493-6119
Polo Shirt example

Please ignore that it looks like I just ate the house cat.
Happy Days Again Schedule
At our meeting last week, a printed schedule of the Bitterrodders Happy Days Again Wednesday night cruise was distributed by Doug Ruffato. If you weren’t at the meeting or have misplaced the schedule (like me!), here is a link to website which has the schedule (thank you Doug!). Doug also said you don’t have to be a Bitterrodder member to take part in the cruises.
At our meeting last week, Doug Ruffato mentioned the weekly Bitterrodders Wednesday night cruises which anyone can participate in, no membership required. I just called him for specific details. He sent me the link below which takes one to the complete schedule. Many cruises are in Missoula. I’m thinking the best way to get the word out on this is direct email to all members, which I’ll do, and posting the schedule on our website. Can we do that?
I looked and looked for something online on the Bitterodders Car Club, but they don’t have an actual website…..like we do😎
From: Doug Ruffatto <blue59@bresnan.net>
Date: May 31, 2018 at 2:46:31 PM MDT
To: Cathy Smyers <catsmyers@aol.com>
Subject: Happy Days Again Cruise Night in Missoula, MT, United States – EventHit
Just in case you couldn’t find it..