As you may know, I am always out there looking for items for my garage such as gas and oil signs, oil cans, gas pumps and whatever I can locate. I have been pretty busy with this years car show and today I decided to go check out a estate sale that was going on not from from our house.
When I arrived, like always I headed for the garage so see if I could find any treasures. Once inside, I looked up on the wall behind a some shelving and noticed the very top of a sign hanging on the wall. I took some items off the shelve so I could get a better look and it was a poster from 1979 advertising the 1st annual “Sports Car Show” at the “Southgate Mall” 40 years ago! The poster was not faded or torn and just needed some cleaning.
I am going to try and get some more history if I can and let you know what I find. Oh by the way, I purchased the sign and I will bring it to the mall and display it at our booth.